AgriLand: Linking agriculture and land use change to pollinator populations

Project aim C

Explore mitigation options and disseminate information to relevant stakeholders.

Much of the research described in aims A and B concern the current status of pollinator and wild flower populations, and the potential drivers of changes in these populations. The improved understanding that results from this work will bring with it the potential to refine the mitigation strategies currently in place in the UK, and to design new approaches to halt or reverse pollinator declines.

The third aim of the project is therefore to give specific feedback to policy makers on the role of agri-environment measures at a landscape scale, and to land owners and managers on a range of aspects of pollinator management. We aim to hold a large workshop towards the end of the project to present our findings to stakeholders, scientists, policymakers and journalists interested in science, the environment and rural land use issues. We will also design briefing papers on pollinator conservation based on our findings and the broader literature, with separate sheets designed for use by farmers/landowners, beekeepers, and conservation professionals.


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